how to get rest with a new baby

We all know that new parenthood comes with a lot of sleepless nights. I read a study recently that said on average new mothers sleep approximately 3.5-4.5 hours per night.  That decrease in hours equates about 50 whole nights of missing sleep.

We know that sleep greatly impacts mood and stability. Especially in postpartum. 6 seems to be the magical number of hours we need to function. So how do we survive this?

✨Taking feeding shifts with a partner if bottle feeding is an option. If you are not bottle feeding have a partner take care of burping and diapering so you can stay in bed and go back to sleep

✨Learn how to safely bed-share and co-sleep

✨Nap during the day

✨Allow people to help you

✨Say no to anything that doesn’t fill your cup so that you can rest instead

✨Even if you can’t fall asleep, resting in bed can help with the exhaustion

✨Listen to yoga nidra to help relax your body (can be found on YouTube)


What is considered full term?


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