
The biggest hormonal shift you will ever go through is right after birth. Matrescence is that shift.

So, maybe you aren’t depressed. Maybe your system is in shock. Maybe you’ve just processed the enormous the weight of motherhood. Maybe you need more help. More non judgmental company. More rest.

Maybe you don’t have anxiety. Maybe you are just focused on keeping this brand new being alive. Learning how to care for and nourish a very small person is a steep learning curve.

Your pre-baby life doesn’t fit with your new motherhood life. That doesn’t mean you won’t miss it. You aren’t doing something wrong if you miss your freedom. It means you need mom friends. They are the ones who are going to save your ass and make you feel normal.

Becoming a mother is a shift. An identity crisis. An experiment. No one can prepare you for what your journey will look like. What we can do is talk about how EVERYONE goes through it. Everyone. Even the friend that looks like she has her shit together.


Why hire a doula?


Movements during pregnancy and labor